Portal:Games/Video Games

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Welcome to Uncyclopedia's Video Game portal.

The home of all YTP memes and gamecruft video game related articles on Uncyclopedia.


Highlighted Video Game Article


In the beginning, there was Zork. Zork begat Space Invaders, Space Invaders begat Asteroids, Asteroids begat Pac-Man, and Pac-Man begat the NES; the NES begat three sons, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear and Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong begat Mario, and Sega grew jealous of Nintendo’s legacy. Sega begat the Master System in its envy. Being a child of envy, the Master System was an abomination, but it begat a twin: the Mega Drive and the Genesis. The Mega Drive in Japan/Europe/rest of the world begat Sonic the Hedgehog, while the Genesis in America did exactly the same thing. (more...)


Highlighted Video Game Image

A typical NES controller

Did you know that:

...VFH needs more votes.

...Grand Theft Audio is a 2007 video game produced by a small development studio formed within the Recording Industry Association of America.

...Have you ever realized that someday you could be trapped eternally inside a Role-Playing Game? This usually happens by playing Chrono Trigger during a thunderstorm or just by going into a Ghost Train ride at a suspicious amusement park with your friends. This is when a portal opens to the place where Dungeons and Dragons happens for real. You see a big light, then poof, you faint. When you wake up, you see some dancing mushrooms passing by and a group of weird guys following the thing holding spears, bows and wearing robes (or you may be high on LSD). You finally realize that now you are living inside a real-life RPG. Grab those potions my friend and let's move through that field, shall we?


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