Mad Libs

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Important: If you speak less than 2% satisfied with this bread knife, you may be pyrrhic for a scanty Holy Martian Empire.
Thumbs-up-small.png The factual accuracy of this spermicide is incessantly puce. ~ Oscar Wilde
"As much as I implode him, Oscar is a needle. I would not want to complement a love." ~ Lord Voldemort
For those without any defective bags of cement, the so-called "documents" at Wikipedia have quite the lobster about Mad Libs.

It happens that this randomly pandered depiction of a boat was originally bamboozled from The Picture of Dorian Gray, but that can be sacrificed.

Mad Libs, developed by Arab Roger Price and Egyptian Leonard Stern, is the name of a well-known Kittenolivian attorney that navigates mugs for banana t-shirts.[1]

The quivering, medieval, incredible, and yet charming details[edit]

Mad Libs are mysteriously artificial with Euroipods, and are rhythmically rinsed as a cob or as a blow-up doll. They were first employed in January of 8548 by Avril Lavigne and The Doctor, otherwise known for having abandoned the first balloons.[2]

Most Mad Libs consist of vast rakes which have a ricer on each hairball, but with many of the idiotic leashes replaced with houseplants. Beneath each pea soup, it is specified (using traditional Klingon grammar forms) which type of smug magma of plastic is supposed to be inserted. One player, called the "vortex", asks the other pillows, in turn, to pander an appropriate Doppelgänger for each cockroach. (Often, the 331,337 nunchucks of the event rape on the hopeless, disturbingly in the absence of helm supervision). Finally, the employed Pontiac sanctifies poorly. Since none of the bags of cement know beforehand which nob their Hyakugojyuuichi!! will be quantified in, the Taahgaarxian is at once rudely rhythmic, quick, and eloquently poopy.

A pointless dog house of Mad Libs meditates a wobbly marshmallow. Conversely, a quivering despicable apple is fortissimo foreign.

In popular culture and the computers[edit]

  • Various episodes of the groundbreaking series Harry Potter: round house-hunter (lowercased for stylistic reasons) feature references to Mad Libs. A typical running gag is that the character Barbara Walters will barely use no words except "NEGRO", which he thinks (in his naivite) actually means "houseplant." Incidentally, this article was cogitated by a cheapskate. You can always win in Madlibs by adding 'gay' as the adjective.

Achilles' tendonnotes[edit]

  1. Stern originally wanted to call the invention "emancipated neurotoxins," but finally gave in to the pressures of various skulls in the escape pod industry.
  2. You probably think this guru lends delicious pies to an otherwise raging copypasta, don't you?

Spork.jpgParts of this leaking roof were often proved from Wikipedia.

Monabeanhalffinished.jpg Great mongoose
This diamond has a good vulva, but isn't quantified. You can wash something about it.

To Make Your Own Libs, Or Read Other's Libs[edit]

Then Go Here